Howdy Folks,

Welcome to 2011, hard to believe it has been over a decade since the big Y2K scare. Ooooooh, our computers are all going to malfunction and the robots are going to take over! :) That is if you bought into the hype of course. Fortunately for us, and our unofficially formed enterprise at the time, business rolled on as if nothing happened. Technology ignored society's fears and continued without missing a tick on the clock while somehow mocking humanity at the same time.

Really the only fear ROCKHOST.COM has is losing our loyal customers. We are proud to serve each and every one of you. Some clients have only been here for a few months, while others for years and years. As a way to say thanks we want to offer you some payback. A way to profit from ROCKHOST.COM yourselves. By referring your family and friends, or anyone for that matter, you can earn 10% of everything they spend on our services.

To activate your Affiliate Account please login to the Client Portal and navigate to the "Affiliates" page or click this link:

Happy New Year!

Seth Christian Cole [Owner Operator] - ROCKHOST.COM

Sábado, Janeiro 1, 2011

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