Recently I put up a poll on our Twitter and Facebook pages asking for a little feedback about changing my main email address. I was struggling between mail [@] and admin [@] for quite some time. But finally, the people have spoken, ha ha - like about three. :-) So I have decided to go with my initial gut instinct, "admin [@]", as I feel this addy has a slighly better hook.

Why am I telling you this you may ask? Well, because many of you email me directly and I want to make sure you are aware of the change. After all, I have been carrying my current email address for nearly a decade now. I do plan to temporarily use a forwarder from info [@] to admin [@] until I can slowly phase out the old account altogether.

The best way to contact us for support is still through the Client Portal. Please open up a new ticket if you have any questions. The reason for this being the interface stores all tickets for future reference. This is beneficial for both client and company.

That's all folks!

Seth Cole [Owner Operator] | ROCKHOST.COM

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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