Hello Friends,

To follow up on last month's "Be Heard" newsletter we are going to be expanding our cloud resources tonight in off peak hours. I apologize to any of you who are across the pond. I'll try to squeak this by before sunrise, +6 GMT. Total downtime time should be less than an hour.

About half of you are now live on the army.rockhost.com virtual machine. In the next month I will slowly be moving each cPanel account by hand to give your sites the love and care they deserve. If anybody finds themselves in a stress free atmosphere that is the best time to make the transition. So, speak up! On the other hand, if you have a critical event or imperative circumstance let's be patient and wait for a more appriopriate time.

Please contact me when are ready to migrate or have any questions. It's a very simple task that takes less than fifteen minutes in most cases. Well worth the free upgrade in redundancy, networking, and overall uptime.

Who y'all got in the Superbowl? Gon'na be a great game. Who wants the over-under on how many times Ray Ray cries? I'll set that at +/-1.5. :-) If you are a local Lawrencian, come on over!


Seth Christian Cole [Owner Operator] - ROCKHOST.COM

Thursday, January 31, 2013

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