"Are you ready for some footbaaaaaaalll?!" - Hank Williams, Jr. So, you want a shot at glory? The sweet taste of victory? No? How about a $100 credit on your ROCKHOST.COM account? Aaahhhhhh, now I have your attention. Yes sir, this season will be the first annual ROCKHOST.COM ESPN Fantasy Football draft and yours truly is footing the bill. That ... Espandi »
Well Kids, This month marks the 10 year anniversary of ROCKHOST.COM. Been a long time comin', that's for sure. Since our inception, the Internet has grown rampantly, expanding much like the universe. No literally, by about one zettabyte, or ten to the twenty first power, to be exact (NERD ALERT!). Datacenters now use 1/5 of the world's energy. ... Espandi »
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers recently made the announcement that they are going to open up domain name registrations for generic Top Level Domains (gTLD) to all comers. For a modest $185,000 corporations will be able to register such domain extensions as; .coke, .ford, .sony, etc. I imagine common verbs and nouns like ... Espandi »
Greetings from ROCKHOST.COM, By writing these corny little "Be Heard" newsletters each month I learn just how quickly the calendar turns. Each year about this time the summer slump strikes down upon the Internet with a furious vengeance. Sales slide, traffic falls, people miraculously leave there homes to socialize, exercise, and live! In fact, ... Espandi »
Hello All, Early this morning, late last night really, ROCKHOST.COM sent out several thousand Facebook invitations to our past, present, and future clients with the hopeful notion that you will "like" our Page and join in the conversation. I apologize in advance if you already received an invite but there is some serious crossover between our ... Espandi »
Howdy Partner, From time to time our professional counsel makes an effort to review any and all legalese published on ROCKHOST.COM in order to provide straight forward guidelines for our company and clients. By subscribing to ROCKHOST.COM services you are in agreement of these terms. Please take a few minutes to read the conditions in full. They ... Espandi »
Howdy Kids, This month's newsletter focuses on server wide password strength. Lately we have seen an increased attempt to gain unauthorized access to our servers from countries and parts of the world that I can only describe as "sketchy." In an effort to protect ourselves we have done several security audits. Unfortunately the Internet is still ... Espandi »
Howdy ROCKHOST.COM'rs, Recently I put up a poll on our Twitter and Facebook pages asking for a little feedback about changing my main email address. I was struggling between mail [@] rockhost.com and admin [@] rockhost.com for quite some time. But finally, the people have spoken, ha ha - like about three. :-) So I have decided to go with my ... Espandi »
Howdy Folks, Welcome to 2011, hard to believe it has been over a decade since the big Y2K scare. Ooooooh, our computers are all going to malfunction and the robots are going to take over! :) That is if you bought into the hype of course. Fortunately for us, and our unofficially formed enterprise at the time, business rolled on as if nothing ... Espandi »
Howdy Folks, As many of you have already noticed, RockandRollHosting.com is slowly being rebranded as ROCKHOST.COM. Now, there is no need to panic or worry as our ownership remains intact. No server migration or service disruption is planned and you can continue to expect the same high level of uptime and personal support. Eventually all ... Espandi »